We get it - we’re all short on time and there are days when the things that nourish your mental and physical health get pushed aside. 

The temptation to work through your breaks can be hard to resist at times, especially if you’re up against a bunch of deadlines. But carving out a bit of time each day to switch off and recharge is so important. 

Here are 3 ways to make a bit of time for yourself in the working day.

Mindful Walk

Leave your phone at your desk, and go take a walk around the block (or several laps). Even better, find a green space to stroll through. Where you would normally have your head buried in your emails, social media feeds or WhatsApp messages, try to look around your surroundings. You might notice something that normally would have passed you by. Even if you walk around the block for 5/10 minutes, that time away from work can be so rejuvenating.


Guided Meditation

If you’re new to meditation, sitting there by yourself in silence can be rather daunting. That’s where a guided meditation can be really supportive and beneficial. We like to think of them as focused intention meditations - typically it’ll be a visualisation technique or a guided narrative that tells a story, shares wisdom and creates a connection between you and an idea or emotion. 

Pop your headphones on, close your eyes and listen to a guided meditation to bring you back to focus and awareness. Don't stress if your mind races around - it's normal! The practice lies in returning to the present moment each time. ⠀


Desk Yoga 

One of our most popular sessions is Desk Yoga - a super accessible way for every body to connect with the practice of yoga and to move, breathe and find some space away from the hustle. The great thing about desk yoga is that you don’t even have to change out of your work/ day to day clothes - you don’t even need to get out of your chair! We recognise that being able to roll out a mat and practice yoga/exercise isn’t accessible for lots of people, and yoga should be an inclusive space for all so desk yoga is something that is not only amazing (in our humble opinion!) but an essential practice. 


The Benefits of Daily Yoga Practice: Enhancing Mind and Body Health
