Have you noticed that your team are feeling a bit meh recently? They may be suffering from brain fog. Here’s what it is, how to spot it and how to overcome it.

Let’s start with the science bit…

What is brain fog? 

In a nutshell, brain fog occurs when you have a deficit of function in your prefrontal cortex ( the front part of your brain that is responsible for processing information and focusing your attention, amongst other things). 

You can get brain fog for several reasons - not eating enough nutrient-rich food, lack of sleep, chronic stress, lack of movement amongst other reasons.

It isn’t a medical condition in itself, but ongoing research has shown it to be a fairly common long term effect for those who have had COVID-19. So don’t panic, but it’s something to definitely to be aware of if you think you have it. 

How do I know if I have it?

Brain fog basically makes you feel sluggish and not sharp in your thinking or decision making. It could be described as like wading through mud - feeling slow and struggling to get tasks done at the usual pace you would normally. 

As mentioned before, you may have it as an after-effect of COVID-19. Again, nothing to freak out over, but might be worth considering if you’ve felt extra lethargic and not yourself since getting the virus. 

How can I overcome it?

We could harp on about how important sleep is, but really it goes without saying. If you’re feeling sluggish and can’t seem to shake the fogginess, make sure you’re prioritising your rest at night. 


When you’re sleeping, your brain and body are healing. It’s clearing out toxins and setting you up for the following day. So make sure you prioritise this as much as you can - yes, we will inevitably have those nights where we don't sleep as well, but try to make these few and far between.


There are studies to show that even 12 minutes of meditation a day for a period of 8 weeks can significantly improve your focus and mood. 

We get that meditating for the first time can feel like an impossible feat, but we’re here to show you that it can be really simple and accessible for everyone. Want to get your team meditating and bring back their laser focus? Get in touch with our team and we can create bespoke and guided sessions for you.


Get Moving

Moving our bodies, even just for a short period of time each day, can significantly help in clearing away the fogginess. Any aerobic exercise, whether it’s swimming, HIIT or yoga, increases the blood circulation to the brain and creates what Dr. Wendy Suzuki has called a ‘neurochemical bubble bath’ (how lush does that sound?!) Think feeling fresher, cleansed and energised from the inside out!


If you’re noticing a lot of your team members are suffering from brain fogginess, perhaps it’s time to invest in some workday wellness sessions. Offering your team 30 minutes of energising pilates in the middle of the day or 15 minutes of mid-afternoon meditation could be the perfect way to get them out of their funk and back to feeling amazing. 

Want our help in getting your team to move? Have a chat with our friendly team at 


