Are your employees raring to get back in the office, or are they dragging their heels? We’d imagine there’s a bit of both going on.  

Let’s face it - a year and a half away from ‘normality’ has had a huge impact on us all, from the ways we work productively, to how we spend our free time. The  fast, unrelenting way of life pre-pandemic is something people all around the UK have vocally rejected (almost a third of workers are prepared to quit their jobs if their employers make them go back to the office full time), and something many of your team may feel too (although may not have the confidence to share it). 

Throughout September, we’re encouraging our clients new and old, to bring their employees, ‘Back to Better’. We want to help you create a cohesive feeling amongst your team (bringing together those working remotely, hybrid or in office), and engineer the most nurturing and supportive work environment possible, to help your staff feel valued, excited and energized to return and start a new era of productive working, rather than feeling unheard, undervalued, and expected to go back to the same struggles as before.

 So what is Back To Better about?

In a nut-shell, Back To Better is about listening. Listening and helping to support each other to create a new way of working that prioritizes mental and physical wellbeing. Helping to create cultural change whereby wellbeing is front and centre of your team, not a buzzword that is thrown into meetings, or boring talks being led on.  

Back To Better, is about coming back to a better way of living and working, a better balance that leads to happier lives, happier staff, more attractive company cultures, and a whole nation that feels alive and inspired.  

We have been listening to ourselves, our clients and our friends about what they see as going Back to Better, some of which is... 

“ [Opportunity to have] a mental health check-in with mental health first aider or trained manager”

“Allowing you to work from anywhere in the world for at least 1 month per year”

“Planning time to think into the week, rather than just making time for "doing"

“Flexibility to work the hours when they suit me, and breaks during the day”

And we know that what we can do to help create that culture of better is going to be quite small in the grand scheme of things at your company (and we’ve included some other ideas for you below*) but what we know we can do, and the value that we can add to your culture and team is huge, for such a small weekly time-investment.  

Through our specially created yoga and fitness classes, we can help you to focus on how to create new habits and routines, and show you how to take genuinely restful time out during the day. Working and grinding constantly won’t always deliver the best results, so peppering in some mindful breaks during the working day will help your team to refocus and be more productive.   

We recognise that yoga might not be everyone’s cup of tea, and nor does it have to be. We think that in order to make your team feel truly heard, supported and valued, diversifying your wellbeing activities and making cultural shifts is what will really make a positive impact.  Some might love an early morning energising yoga flow, others might prefer an afternoon-slump-combatting HIIT workout, and those who might be unable to move, would benefit from mental health support through breathwork and meditation. Whatever it may be, it’s important that everyone’s needs are being met.  

If you want your employees to come back and thrive in the office environment, then let us help you to bring them back to BETTER.  

*Other easy ideas to improve workplace culture and employee health: 

  • 4 day working week

  • Flexible start times 

  • Leading by example – making sure managers and leadership take part in optional wellbeing activities, to show that it is GOOD for staff to take the time out of their day to look after their health, and not expected to ‘make that time back up’.  

  • Having a non-work related topic as a part of team meetings, to allow for communication and connection 

  • Suggestion boxes 

Who we are  

We’re a super friendly bunch of experienced yoga teachers, fitness trainers and wellness experts who are passionate about bringing accessible wellbeing practices (in all their forms - including the kind you don’t have to change into lycra for!) to those who need it the most - stressed out workers whose time is in high-demand! 

In one of the most collectively stressful times in recent human history, we want to make a real difference to the mental health, wellbeing and happiness of YOUR workforce. We work with clients across the globe to re-educate and demystify what yoga is, make it accessible to all bodies and minds and help support your team through their ups and downs.  

Wanna chat about how we can get your team back to better? Email us at


