In a recent blogpost, we talked about setting boundaries with your emails (you can read it here )

But as we wrote it, we realised there are SO MANY aspects of our work life that could have better boundaries and so here we are.

Google’s recent WFH manifesto has been making the rounds on social media lately, and it’s all about setting boundaries and making acceptances in your work life. It’s clear that having strong healthy boundaries around your work and personal wellbeing are key. 

Here are 3 ways to set healthy boundaries in your work environment.

Turn OFF notifications

Did you know, on average a person receives 63.5 notifications a day?! That’s a hell of a lot of micro-distractions. 

Of course for some of us it isn’t possible to completely delete all work-related apps off our phones. But where possible, we can definitely minimise the amount they’re used. 

Give yourself time allocations for your apps (especially social media!) by going into your settings and setting limits. Once you have used up the amount of time, the app will turn grey and it’ll be less of a temptation to click on.

Email Notifications

Open conversation with your boss/manager

Oftentimes when boundaries are crossed, it’s because said boundaries haven’t been well-communicated (if at all). We’ve all been there, don’t worry - we avoid the trickier conversations because we fear judgment or negative repercussions on our job/career, but ultimately the only person who can voice your needs is you. 

Set time aside each month/each quarter to chat through with your boss/manager what you need in order to do your best work. Is it more WFH days? Is it having afternoon meditation sessions baked into the working day (that are actively encouraged by management!) Is it the option to work from abroad for a couple weeks a year? 

Whatever it may be, let your voice be heard. It may not all be possible immediately, but at least you can set healthy expectations and boundaries with what is possible. 


Block out time for wellness

Rather than being tempted to squeeze every ounce of ‘productivity’ out of your working week, aim to schedule in a couple blocks of time dedicated to your wellness. You don’t even have to leave your office to do so - 30 minutes of desk yoga is a great way to stretch out any aches and pains without making too much of a fuss (or having to change into lycra!)

If you know that your colleagues could do with a breather during the week, why not organise a desk yoga session for the whole team? You can find out more about our desk yoga sessions by emailing 


